Документи: Косово и Либија – прљава веза прљавих ратова: трговина људским органима — Documents: Kosovo & Libya – Dirty Connection of Dirty Wars: Human Organs Trafficking

Some analysts seriously doubt the real motives of the speed of the initial action in Libya. They say that Sarkozy and Cameron did not want to drop among others the chance to cover the scandal of illegal organ trafficking in Kosovo and Metohia. There, in the years 1998, 1999 and 2000 approximately 2,000 people were missing and there are many witnesses and evidence that many of these people ended up butchered and had their organs extracted to be sold by the Albanian terrorists who have all along enjoyed the protection of U.S. and European Union . First, Americans removed Albanian terrorists from the list of terrorist organizations and terrorists have declared them as „fighters for the liberation of Kosovo“, then attacked and bombed Serbia and occupied entire province of Kosovo. As the first chief of  the occupied zones Bernard Coushner was set, who until recently was Minister of Foreign Affairs of France. Coushner is associated with complete high leaders of Europe and severely compromise the entire European Union.

As evidence, except books of the former prosecutor for war crimes court in The Hague, Carla Del Ponte, „The Hunt“ (La Caza) and the report by Dick Marty to the European Parliament on illegal organ trafficking in Kosovo and Albania, which has worked for two years, makes reference to the information and intelligence reports services of Germany, USA and other countries involved, showing that all the time know about what is happening in Kosovo and about horrible murder and illegal organ trade. Even the recently organized in the media followed the pursuit of certain Turkish doctor „vampire“ to mitigate the scandal. The most interesting is that there are clues that suggest that the majority of these bodies ended up at clinics in the UK and also in Israel. All these explanations and hard evidence are the first logical explanation that describes why France and the United Kingdom so suddenly and quickly entered into an unnecessary and hasty action against Libya, it seems grudgingly followed by the USA with the ever present motive world domination, drawing from economic problems plundering the rich countries and nostalgia for the former imperial power!


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UNMIK Investigation Organ Trafficking Kosovo

UNMIK Forensic Report Organ Trafficking Kosovo



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